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Cetus PAO 46详细说明 (浏览1187次)
Compressor Oils
Compressor Oil EP VDL 100 0.88 100 11.2 97 230 –12 — Mild EP oil for air compressors.
Cetus® DE 100 100 0.96 95.5 10.1 82 232 –30 — Diester based oil for reciprocating air compressors.
Cetus PAO 46 46 0.84 46 7.8 136 230 –59 — PAO-based oil for rotary air compressors.
Cetus PAO 68 68 0.85 68 10.3 138 235 –40 — PAO-based oil for both rotary and air compressors and turbochargers.
LPG Compressor Oil 185 1.06 185 37.0 250 260 –30 — Oil for enclosed hydrocarbon and natural gas compressors.
Capella® WF 68 68 0.91 68 6.8 22 198 –36 — Refrigeration compressor oil, for ammonia, methylchloride, CO2 and
certain types of (H)CFK refrigerant gases.
Refrigeration Oil Low Temp 68 68 0.87 68 6.5 0 190 –42 — Refrigeration compressor oil, for R22 or R502 operating at low
evaporator temperatures.
Capella HFC 32 32 1.00 32 6.0 135 245 –48 — Refrigeration compressor oil, for chlorine-free refrigerants such as
R134a, R404a, and R507.
Capella HFC 55 55 1.01 55 9.1 145 275 –45 — Refrigeration compressor oil, for chlorine-free refrigerants such as
R134a, R404a, and R507.
Capella HFC 100 100 1.00 100 11.9 108 290 –42 — Refrigeration compressor oil,
上一产品: Chevron SRI Grease NLGI 2/Chevron SRI Grease NLGI2
下一产品: Cetus® DE 100
版权所有:深圳市飞恒达润滑油有限公司 官方网站:www.fhdrhy.com 邮箱:295246456@qq.com 联系人:刘杰(业务经理)
地址:深圳市龙华区龙华街道清华社区龙观东路3号望成大厦306 电话:15089436503 手机:18627562646 传真:0755-88888888
关键词:齿轮油,润滑脂,液压油,导轨油,防锈剂,链条油,清洗剂,工业润滑油,工业润滑脂 粤ICP备19113297号